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个人简介 现任中科院物理所副研究员,2007年毕业于浙江大学;2012年获清华大学博士学位;2012-2016年在中科院物理所从事博士后研究工作;2016年在中科物理所任助研、副研至今。主要从事自旋电子学领域的研究工 作,研究兴趣主要集中在自旋轨道电子学、磁子电子学和自旋热电子学等凝聚态磁学领域和磁随机存储 器、自旋逻辑等自旋电子器件研发领域,已在Nature、Nature Electronics、Nature Communications、Science Advances、Phys. Rev. Lett.、Advanced Materials、Nano Letters、Phys. Rev. B、Phys. Rev. Appl.、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Advanced Electronic Materials等杂志上发表相关SCI论文70余篇,申请和获得中国发明专利4项,授权 美国发明专利1项,获得中国科学院青年创新促进会项目资助。现已承担自然科学基金项目两项,以项目骨 干参与科技部国家重点研发项目两项。 教育经历
代表性论著 Spin-orbit torque switching in a T-type magnetic configuration with current orthogonal to easy, Nature Communications, 2019,10: 233. [2] X. Wang#; C. H. Wan#; W. J. Kong; X. Zhang; Y. W. Xing; C. Fang; B. S. Tao; W. L. Yang; L. Huang; H. Wu; M. Irfan; X. F. Han*; Field-free programmable spin logics via chirality-reversible spin-orbit torque , Advanced Materials, 2018, 30: 1801318. [3] C. H. Wan#; X. Zhang#; Z. H. Yuan; C. Fang; W. J. Kong; Q. T. Zhang; H. Wu; U. Khan; X. F. Han*; Programmable spin logic based on spin Hall effect in a single device, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2017, 3: 1600282. [4] X. Zhang; C. H. Wan*; Z. H. Yuan; Q. T. Zhang; H. Wu; L. Huang; W. J. Kong; C. Fang; U. Khan; X. F. Han*; Electrical control over perpendicular magnetization switching driven by spin-orbit torques, Physical Review B, 2016, 94: 174434. [5] W. J. Kong; Y. R. Ji; X. Zhang; H. Wu; Q. T. Zhang; Z. H. Yuan; C. H. Wan*; X. F. Han*; T. Yu; K. Fukuda; H. Naganuma; M.-J. Tung; Field-free spin Hall effect driven magnetization switching in Pd/Co/IrMn exchange coupling system, Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109: 132402. 已发表的其余论文 S. Zhang; Y. W. Liu; X. F. Han*; A nonlocal spin Hall magnetoresistance in a platinum layer deposited on a magnon junction, Nature Electronics, 2020, 3: 304-308. [2] W. J. Kong#; C. H. Wan#; C. Y. Guo; C. Fang; B. S. Tao; X. Wang; X. F. Han*; All-electrical manipulation of magnetization in magnetic tunnel junction via spin-orbit torque, Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116: 162401. [3] S. Tu#; T. Ziman#; G. Q. Yu#; C. H. Wan#; J. F. Hu#; H. Wu#; H. C. Wang; M. C. Liu; C. P. Liu; C. Y. Guo; J. Y. Zhang; M. Cabero; Y. G. Zhang; P. Gao; S. Liu; D. P. Yu; X. F. Han; I. Hallsteinsen; D. Gilbert; P. Woelfle; K. Wang; J.-P. Ansermet;S. Maekawa; H. M. Yu; Record thermopower found in an IrMn-based spintronic stack, Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 2023. [4] W. Z. Chen; L. N. Jiang; Z. R. Yan; Y. Zhu; C. H. Wan; X. F. Han*; Origin of large voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy in Cr/Fe/MgO junction with ultrathin Fe Layer: first-principles investigation, Physical Review B, 2020, 101: 144434. [5] 万蔡华;《低维磁性材料》之第七章《自旋电子学》, 北京: 科学出版社, 2020. [6] T. Y. Ma#; C. H. Wan#; X. Wang; W. L. Yang; C. Y. Guo; C. Fang; M. K. Zhao; J. Dong; Y. Zhang; X. F. Han*; Evidence of magnetization switching by anomalous spin Hall torque in NiFe, Physical Review B, 2020, 101: 134417. [7] W. L. Yang#; C. H. Wan#; Z. R. Yan; X. Zhang; M. E. Stebliy; X. Wang; C. Fang; C. Y. Guo; Y. W. Xing; T. Y. Ma; A. V. Ognev; A. S. Samardak; M.-J. Tung; G. Q. Yu; X. F. Han*; Chirality-reversible multistate switching via two orthogonal spin-orbit torques in a perpendicularly magnetized, Physical Review Applied, 2020, 13: 024052. [8] X. C. Liu; N. Tang*; C. Fang; C. H. Wan*; S. X. Zhang; X. Y. Zhang; H. M. Guan; Y. F. Zhang; X. Qian; Y. Ji; W. K. Ge; X. F. Han; B. Shen; Spin relaxation induced by interfacial effects in n-GaN/MgO/Co spin injectors, RSC Advances, 2020, 10: 12547-12553. [9] X. Wang; C. H. Wan; Y. Z. Liu; Q. M. Shao; H. Wu; C. Y. Guo; C. Fang; Y. Guang; W. L. Yang; C. L. He; B. S. Tao; X. M. Zhang; T. Y. Ma; J. Dong; Y. Zhang; J. F. Feng; J. Xiao; K. L. Wang; G. Q. Yu*; X. F. Han; Spin transmission in IrMn through measurements of spin Hall magnetoresistance and spin-orbit torque, Physical Review B, 2020, 101: 144412. [10] W. L. Yang#; J. W. Wei#; C. H. Wan; Y. W. Xing; Z. R. Yan; X. Wang; C. Fang; C. Y. Guo; G. Q. Yu; X. F. Han*; Determining spin-torque efficiency in ferromagnetic metals via spin-torque ferromagnetic, Physical Review B, 2020, 101: 064412. [11] P. Liu; L. N. Jiang; W. Z. Chen; X. M. Zhang; W. L. Yang; C. H. Wan*; Voltage controllable Pt/Co/AlOx superparamagnetic, Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, 2020, 497: 166006. [12] J. W. Wei; C. L. He; X. Wang; H. J. Xu; Y. Z. Liu; Y. Guang; C. H. Wan; J. F. Feng; G. Q. Yu*; X. F. Han; Characterization of Spin-Orbit Torque Efficiency in Magnetic Heterostructures with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy via Spin-Torque Ferromagnetic Resonance, Physical Review Applied, 2020, 13: 034041. [13] Y. Guang; I. Bykova; Y. Z. Liu; G. Q. Yu*; E. Goering; M. Weigand; J. Graefe; S. K. Kim; J. W. Zhang; H. Zhang; Z. R. Yan; C. H. Wan; J. F. Feng; X. Wang; C. Y. Guo; H. X. Wei; P. Yong; Y. Tserkovnyak; X. F. Han; G. Schuetz; Creating zero-field skyrmions in exchange-biased multilayers through X-ray illumination, Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 949. [14] C. Y. Guo#; C. H. Wan#; M. K. Zhao; H. Wu; C. Fang; Z. R. Yan; J. F. Feng; H. F. Liu; X. F. Han*; Spin-orbit torque switching in perpendicular Y3Fe5O12/Pt bilayer, Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114: 192409. [15] C. Fang#; C. H. Wan#; C. Y. Guo; C. Feng; X. Wang; Y. W. Xing; M. K. Zhao; J. Dong; G. Q. Yu; Y. G. Zhao; X. F. Han*; Observation of large anomalous Nernst effect in 2D layered materials Fe3GeTe2, Applied Physics Letters, 2019,115: 212402. [16] B. S. Tao; C. H. Wan; P. Tang; J. F. Feng; H. X. Wei; X. Wang; S. Andrieu; H. X. Yang; M. Chshiev; X. Devaux; T. Hauet; F. Montaigne; S. Mangin; M. Hehn; D. Lacour; X. F. Han*; Y. Lu*; Coherent resonant tunneling through double metallic quantum well states, Nano Letters, 2019,19: 3019-3026. [17] J. Y. Qin; X. Wang; T. Qu; C. H. Wan; L. Huang; C. Y. Guo; T. Yu; H. X. Wei; X. F. Han*; Thermally activated magnetization back-hopping based true random number generator in nano-ring magnetic tunnel, Applied Physics Letters, 2019,114: 112401. [18] X. Wang; J. Tang; X. X. Xia; C. L. He; J. W. Zhang; Y. Z. Liu; C. H. Wan; C. Fang; C. Y. Guo; W. L. Yang; Y. Guang; X. M. Zhang; H. J. Xu; J. W. Wei; M. Z. Liao; X. B. Lu; J. F. Feng; X. X. Li; Y. Peng; H. X. Wei; R. Yang; D. X. Shi; X. X. Zhang; Z, Han*; Z. D. Zhang; G. Y. Zhang*; G. Q. Yu*; X. F. Han; Current-driven magnetization switching in a van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2, Science Advances, 2019, 5: eaaw8904. [19] J. G. Li; Z. M. Jin*; B. J. Song; S. N. Zhang; C. Y. Guo; C. H. Wan; X. F. Han; Z. X. Cheng; C. Zhang; X. Lin; G. H. Ma; J. Q. Yao; Magnetic-field-free terahertz emission from a magnetic tunneling, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 58: 090913. [20] W. J. Li; I. Bykova; S. L. Zhang; G. Q. Yu*; R. Tomasello; M. Carpentieri; Y. Z. Liu; Y. Guang; J. Graefe; M. Weigand; D. M. Burn; G. van der Laan; T. Hesjedal; Z. R. Yan; J. F. Feng; C. H. Wan; J. W. Wei; X. Wang; X. M. Zhang; H. J. Xu; C. Y. Guo; H. X. Wei;G. Finocchio*; X. F. Han; G. Schuetz; Anatomy of Skyrmionic Textures in Magnetic Multilayers, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31: 1807683. [21] C. Y. Guo#; C. H. Wan#; X. Wang; C. Fang; P. Tang; W. J. Kong; M. K. Zhao; L. N. Jiang; B. S. Tao; G. Q. Yu; X. F. Han*; Magnon valves based on YIG/NiO/YIG all-insulating magnon junctions, Physical Review B, 2018, 98: 134426. [22] L. Huang; H. Wu; P. Liu; X. M. Zhang; B. S. Tao; C. H. Wan*; Y. Yan; X. F. Han; Room temperature spin injection into SiC via Schottky barrier, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 113: 222402. [23] W. J. Kong; C. H. Wan; B. S. Tao; C. Fang; L. Huang; C. Y. Guo; M. Irfan; X. F. Han*; Study of spin-orbit torque induced magnetization switching in synthetic antiferromagnet with ultrathin Ta spacer, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 113: 162402. [24] H. Wu; L. Huang; C. Fang; B. S. Yang; C. H. Wan; G. Q. Yu; J. F. Feng; H. X. Wei; X. F. Han*; Magnon Valve Effect between Two Magnetic, Physical Review Letters, 2018, 120: 097205. [25] J. Y. Qin; X. Chen; T. Yu; X. Wang; C. Y. Guo; C. H. Wan; J. F. Feng; H. X. Wei; Y. W. Liu; X. F. Han*; Microwave spin-torque-induced magnetic resonance in a nanoring-shape-confined magnetic tunnel junction, Physical Review Applied, 2018,10: 044067. [26] B. S. Tao; L. N. Jiang; W. J. Kong; W. Z. Chen; B. S. Yang; X. Wang; C. H. Wan; H. X. Wei; M. Hehn; D. Lacour; Y. Lu; X. F. Han*; Tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance in fully epitaxial magnetic tunnel junctions with different barriers, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 112: 242404. [27] 韩秀峰*;万蔡华; 一种数据非易失性、多功能和可编程的自旋逻辑研究进展, Acta Physica Sinica, 2018, 12: 157-164. [28] 李文静; 光耀; 于国强*;万蔡华; 丰家峰; 韩秀峰; 薄膜异质结中磁性斯格明子的相关研究, Acta Physica Sinica, 2018, 13: 76-86. [29] C. Fang; C. H. Wan*; B. S. Yang; J. Y. Qin; B. S. Tao; H. Wu; X. Zhang; X. F. Han*; A. Hoffmann; X. M. Liu; Z. M. Jin; Determination of spin relaxation times in heavy metals via second-harmonic spin injection magnetoresistance, Physical Review B, 2017, 96: 134421. [30] X. Zhang; C. H. Wan*; Z. H. Yuan; C. Fang; W. J. Kong; H. Wu; Q. T. Zhang; B. S. Tao; X. F. Han*; Experimental demonstration of programmable multi-functional spin logic cell based on spin Hall effect, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017, 428: L401-L405. [31] X. M. Zhang; C. H. Wan*; H. Wu; P. Tang; Z. H. Yuan; Q. T. Zhang; X. Zhang; B. S. Tao; C. Fang; X. F. Han*; Magneto-Seebeck effect in spin valves, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122: 145105. [32] G. Y. Shi; C. H. Wan; Y. S. Chang; F. Li; X. J. Zhou; P. X. Zhang; X. F. Han; J. W. Cai*; F. Pan; C. Song*; Spin-orbit torque in MgO/CoFeB/Ta/CoFeB/MgO symmetric structure with interlayer antiferromagnetic coupling, Physical Review B, 2017, 95: 104435. [33] X. Luo; C. Fang; C. H. Wan; J. L. Cai; Y. Liu; X. F. Han; Z. H. Lu; R. Xiong; Z. M. Zeng*; Magnetoresistance and Hall resistivity of semimetal WTe2 ultrathin flakes, Nanotechnology, 2017, 28: 145704. [34] R. Sagar; M. Galluzzi; C. H. Wan; K. Shehzad; S. T. Navale; T. Anwar; R. S. Mane; H.-G. Piao; A. Ali; F. J. Stadler*; Large, linear, and tunable positive magnetoresistance of mechanically stable graphene foam-toward high-performance magnetic  field, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9: 1891-1898. [35] L. Huang; Z. H. Yuan; B. S. Tao; C. H. Wan; P. Guo; Q. T. Zhang; L. Yin; J. F. Feng; T. Nakano; H. Naganuma; H. F. Liu; Y. Yan; X. F. Han*; Noise suppression and sensitivity manipulation of magnetic tunnel junction sensors with soft magnetic Co70.5Fe4.5Si15B10 layer, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122: 113903. [36] K. Y. Ning; H. F. Liu*; Z. Y. Ju; C. Fang; C. H. Wan; J. L. Cheng; X. Liu; L. S. Li; J. F. Feng; H. X. Wei; X. F. Han; Y. Yang; T.-L. Ren; Magneto-Seebeck effect in magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular, AIP Advances, 2017, 7: 015035. [37] H. Wu; X. Wang; L. Huang; J. Y. Qin; C. Fang; X. Zhang; C. H. Wan; X. F. Han*; Separation of inverse spin Hall effect and anomalous Nernst effect in ferromagnetic metals, Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, 2017, 441: 149-153. [38] M. Irfan; C. J. Wang; U. Khan; W. J. Li; X. M. Zhang; W. J. Kong; P. Liu; C. H. Wan; Y. W. Liu; X. F. Han*; Controllable synthesis of ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic core-shell NWs with tunable magnetic properties, Nanoscale, 2017, 9: 5694-5700. [39] C. Fang; C. H. Wan*; Z. H. Yuan; L. Huang; X. Zhang; H. Wu; Q. T. Zhang; X. F. Han*; Scaling relation between anomalous Nernst and Hall effect in [Pt/Co](n) multilayers, Physical Review B, 2016, 93: 054420. [40] H. Wu; C. H. Wan; X. Zhang; Z. H. Yuan; Q. T. Zhang; J. Y. Qin; H. X. Wei; X. F. Han*; S. Zhang*; Observation of magnon-mediated electric current drag at room temperature, Physical Review B, 2016, 93: 060403. [41] Y. N. Yan; C. H. Wan; X. J. Zhou; G. Y. Shi; B. Cui; J. H. Han; Y. H. Fan; X. F. Han; K. L. Wang; F. Pan; C. Song*; Strong electrical manipulation of spin-orbit torque in ferromagnetic, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2016, 2: 1600219. [42] H. Wu; X. Zhang; C. H. Wan; B. S. Tao; L. Huang; W. J. Kong; X. F. Han*; Hanle magnetoresistance: The role of edge spin accumulation and interfacial spin current, Physical Review B, 2016, 94: 174407. [43] Q. T. Zhang; P. Murray; L. You; C. H. Wan; X. Zhang; W. J. Li; U. Khan; J. L. Wang; K. Liu*; X. F. Han*; Magnetic fingerprint of interfacial coupling between CoFe and nanoscale ferroelectric domain, Applied Physics Letters, 2016,109: 082906. [44] Z. H. Yuan; J. F. Feng; P. Guo; C. H. Wan; H. X. Wei; S. S. Ali; X. F. Han*; T. Nakano; H. Naganuma; Y. Ando*; Low frequency noise in magnetic tunneling junctions with Co40Fe40B20/Co70.5Fe4.5Si15B10 composite free layer, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, 398: 215-219. [45] U. Khan; W. J. Li; N. Adeela; M. Irfan; K. Javed; C. H. Wan; S. Riaz; X. F. Han*; Magnetic response of hybrid ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic core-shell nanostructures, Nanoscale, 2016, 8: 6064-6070. [46] U. Khan*; N. Adeela; C. H. Wan; M. Irfan; S. Naseem; S. Riaz; M. Iqbal; X. F. Han; Response of iron oxide on hetero-nanostructures of soft and hard ferrites, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2016, 92: 374-379. [47] 万蔡华; 韩秀峰 译; 寻找磁单极子, 物理, 2016,10: 670-671. [48] H. Wu; C. H. Wan*; Z. H. Yuan; X. Zhang; J. Jiang; Q. T. Zhang; Z. C. Wen; X. F. Han*; Observation of pure inverse spin Hall effect in ferromagnetic metals via ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic exchange-bias, Physical Review B, 2015, 92: 054404. [49] P. Liu; Z. H. Yuan; H. Wu; S. S. Ali; C. H. Wan*; S. L. Ban; Nonlocal ordinary magnetoresistance in indium arsenide, Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, 2015, 385: 292-294. [50] Q. T. Zhang; L. You; X. Shen; C. H. Wan; Z. H. Yuan; X. Zhang; L. Huang; W. J. Kong; H. Wu; R. C. Yu; J. Wang*; X. F. Han*; Polarization-mediated thermal stability of metal/oxide heterointerface, Advanced Materials, 2015, 27: 6934. [51] H. Wu; Q. T. Zhang; C. H. Wan; S. S. Ali; Z. H. Yuan; L. You; J. Wang; Y. Choi; X. F. Han*; Spin Hall magnetoresistance in CoFe2O4/Pt films, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2015, 51: 4100104. [52] Q. T. Zhang; L. You; C. H. Wan; Z. H. Yuan; X. Zhang; J. Wang; X. F. Han*; Influence of epitaxial BiFeO3 on superparamagnetic behavior of CoFeB thin film, Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 117: 143904. [53] W. W. Feng*; X. Fu; C. H. Wan; Z. H. Yuan; X. F. Han*; N. V. Quang; S. Cho*; Spin gapless semiconductor like Ti2MnAl film as a new candidate for spintronics application, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 2015, 9: 641-645. [54] L. B. Mo; Y. Wang; Y. Bai; Q. Y. Xiang; Q. Li; Q. Q. Yao; J. O. Wang; K. Ibrahim; H.-H. Wang; C. H. Wan; J. L. Cao*; Hydrogen impurity defects in rutile TiO2, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 17634. [55] J. M. Wang; X. Z. Zhang*; C. H. Wan; J. Vanacken; Z. C. Luo; C. Y. Xiong; V. V. Moshchalkov; Magnetoresistance sign change in iron-doped amorphous carbon films at low temperatures, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2014, 47: 215002. [56] 万蔡华; 韩秀峰*; 《自旋电子学导论》之第十一章《各种霍尔效应及其输运性质和应用》, 北京:科学出版社, 2014. [57] C. H. Wan*; Z. H. Yuan; P. Liu; H. Wu; P. Guo; D. L. Li; S. S. Ali; No nlocal magnetoresistance due to Lorentz force in linear transport region in bulk silicon, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103: 262406. [58] J. M. Wang; X. Z. Zhang*; C. H. Wan; J. Vanacken; V. V. Moshchalkov; Magnetotransport properties of undoped amorphous carbon films, Carbon, 2013, 59: 278-282. [59] J. M. Wang; X. Z. Zhang*; C. H. Wan; H.-G. Piao; Z. C. Luo; S. Y. Xu; Diode assisted giant positive magnetoresistance in n-type GaAs at room temperature, Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114: 034501. [60] X. L. Gao; X. Z. Zhang*; C. H. Wan; J. M. Wang; X. Y. Tan; D. C. Zeng; Temperature-dependent resistive switching of amorphous carbon/silicon heterojunctions, Diamond and Related Materials, 2012, 22: 37-41. [61] C. H. Wan; X. Z. Zhang*; X. L. Gao; J. M. Wang; X. Y. Tan; Geometrical enhancement of low-field magnetoresistance in silicon, Nature, 2011, 477: 304-307. [62] C. H. Wan; X. Z. Zhang*; J. Vanacken; X. L. Gao; X. Zhang; L. H. Wu; X. Y. Tan; H. Lin; V. V. Moshchalkov; J. Yuan; Electro- and magneto-transport properties of amorphous carbon films doped with iron, Diamond and Related Materials, 2011, 20: 26-30. [63] C. H. Wan; X. Z. Zhang*; J. Vanacken; X. L. Gao; V. V. Moshchalkov; The dependence of barrier heights of a-C: Fe/n-Si heterojunctions on film-depositing temperatures, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109: 103706. [64] L. H. Wu; X. Zhang*; J. Vanacken; N. Schildermans; C. H. Wan; V. V. Moshchalkov; Room-temperature nonsaturating magnetoresistance of intrinsic bulk silicon in high pulsed magnetic fields, Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98: 112113. [65] X. L. Gao; X. Z. Zhang*; C. H. Wan; X. Zhang; L. H. Wu; X. Y. Tan; Abnormal humidity-dependent electrical properties of amorphous carbon/silicon heterojunctions, Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 97: 212101. [66] C. H. Wan; X. Z. Zhang*; X. Zhang; X. L. Gao; X. Y. Tan; Photoconductivity of iron doped amorphous carbon films on n-type silicon, Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95: 022105. 论著之外的代表性研究成果和学术奖励 (专利) [2] 万蔡华; 张轩; 韩秀峰*; 电流驱动型磁随机存取存储器和自旋逻辑器件, 2015-9-10, 中国, CN201510574526.5. (专利) [3] 张轩; 万蔡华; 韩秀峰*; 自旋逻辑器件和包括其的电子设备, 2016-1-29, 中国, CN201610064129.8. (专利) [4] 韩秀峰*; 张轩; 万蔡华; 可编程自旋逻辑器件和包括其的电子设备, 2016-3-30, 中国, CN201610190767.4. (专利) [5] 韩秀峰*; 郭晨阳; 万蔡华; 基于磁子阀和磁子结的磁子磁电阻和自旋霍尔磁电阻器件, 2019-2-20, 中国, 201910125883.1. (专利) [6] 万蔡华; Spin-orbit torque switching in the T-type magnetic coupled systems, 中国物理学会2019秋季物理会议, 郑州, 2019-9-19至2019-9-22. (会 议报告) [7] C. H. Wan; Chirality controllable spin-orbit torque switching in coupled system, The 4th Conference on Condensed Matter Physics (CCMP-2018), Shanghai, 2018-7-5至2018-7-8. (会议报告) [8] 万蔡华; 电学操控自旋轨道力矩诱导的磁矩翻转研究, 中国物理学会2017秋季学术会议, 成都, 2017-9-7至2017-9-10. (会 议报告) [9] 万蔡华(4/6); 高性能隧穿磁电阻磁敏传感器的材料、物理和芯片应用基础研究, 北京市科学技术奖三等奖, 其他, 其他, 2017(韩秀峰; 刘厚方; 魏红祥; 万蔡华; 马勤礼; 于国强). (科研奖励)
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