Visible-light-enhanced gating effect at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface

Visible-light-enhanced gating effect at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface

The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the heterointerfaces between complex oxides has received attention in re   


Magnetic Tuning of the Photovoltaic Effect in Silicon-Based Schottky Junctions

Magnetic Tuning of the Photovoltaic Effect in Silicon-Based Schottky Junctions

In general, work on the magnetic effect of the conventional semiconductors, which has been the focus of intensive  


Anisotropic modulation of magnetic properties and the memory effect in a wide-band (011)-Pr0.7Sr0.3MnO3/PMN-PT heterostructure

Anisotropic modulation of magnetic properties and the memory effect in a wide-band (011)-Pr0.7Sr0.3MnO3/PMN-PT heterostructure

With the rapid increasing requirements for information storage, developing compact, innovative devices (20150515)


Polarization-Mediated Thermal Stability of Metal/Oxide Heterointerface

Polarization-Mediated Thermal Stability of Metal/Oxide Heterointerface

Heterointerface comprising ferromagnetic metals and ferroelectric multiferroic oxides (20160517)


Spin Seebeck effect and anomalous Nernst effect of ferromagnetic conductors

Spin Seebeck effect and anomalous Nernst effect of ferromagnetic conductors

Spin caloritronics has emerged rapidly as an important branch of spintronics due to its potential prospects (20160301)


Giant barocaloric effect in hexagonal Ni2In-type Mn-Co-Ge-In compounds around room temperature

Giant barocaloric effect in hexagonal Ni2In-type Mn-Co-Ge-In compounds around room temperature

Caloric effects of materials driven by different external fields such as pressure, magnetic field, and electric field are known as barocaloric, magnetocaloric, and electrocaloric effect, respectively  Any change of lattice, spin, electric polarization ord


Observation of Resonant Quantum Magnetoelectric Effect in a Multiferroic Metal−Organic Framework

Observation of Resonant Quantum Magnetoelectric Effect in a Multiferroic Metal−Organic Framework

In recent years, there has been remarkable interest in the synthesis and investigation of hybrid organic−inorganic materials, such as the metal−organic frameworks (MOFs), largely due to their potential applications in gas storage, catalysis, nonlinear


Geometric Frustration Induces Liquid-like Ground state of Electric Dipoles

Geometric Frustration Induces Liquid-like Ground state of Electric Dipoles

Quantum mechanical fluctuations and geometric frustration may prohibit the formation of long-range ordering even at the lowest temperature, and therefore a liquid-like ground state could be expected  A well-known example is the quantum spin liquid in frus


Observation of magnon-mediated electric current drag at room temperature

Observation of magnon-mediated electric current drag at room temperature

Spin-based electronic devices such as magnetic memory (20160222)

