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- 01/2013至今 新加坡国立大学 (National University of Singapore)
电子工程系自旋与能源实验室 (博士后)
中国科学院物理研究所 (北京) 与中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所 (苏州) 联合培养硕博连读研究生,(中国科学院物理研究所凝聚态物理学博士学位)
美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 (University of Nebraska-Lincoln,UNL) 物理与航天学院、内布拉斯加材料与纳米科学研究中心 (访问学者)
山东大学物理学院物理学基地班,凝聚态物理学专业 (学士学位)
- 自旋电子学:自旋霍尔效应(SHE)、Rashba 效应、自旋转矩铁磁共振(ST-FMR)、自旋泵浦(spin pumping)、拓扑绝缘体/磁性异质结构、重金属/磁性异质结构、垂直磁性隧道结制备及自旋转移力矩 (STT) 和自旋轨道转矩(SOT)效应、磁性随机存储器 (MRAM)的应用
- Yi Wang, Praveen Deorani, Karan Banerjee, Nikesh Koirala, Matthew Brahlek, Seongshik Oh, and Hyunsoo Yang, “Topological Surface States Originated Spin-Orbit Torques in Bi2Se3,”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 257202 (2015)
- Yi Wang, Praveen Deorani, Xuepeng Qiu, Jae Hyun Kwon, and Hyunsoo Yang, “Determination of intrinsic spin Hall angle in Pt,”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 152412 (2014)
- Yi. Wang, Xiaolu Yin, D. Le Roy,1 Jun Jiang, H. X. Wei, S. H. Liou, and X. F. Han, “Magnetization reversal and enhanced tunnel magnetoresistance ratio in perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions based on exchange spring electrodes,”
J. Appl. Phys. 113, 133906 (2013)
- Yi Wang, D. Le Roy, Jun Jiang, Xiaolu Yin, H. X. Wei, S. H. Liou, and X. F. Han, “Nonlinear temperature dependent nucleation field in perpendicular exchange spring typed magnetic tunnel junctions,”
J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17C113 (2013)
- Yi. Wang, W. H. Shi, H. X. Wei, D. Atkinson, B. S. Zhang, and X. F. Han, “Manipulation of magnetization reversal of Ni81Fe19 nanoellipse arrays by tuning the shape anisotropy and the magnetostatic interactions,”
J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07B909 (2012)
- Yi. Wang, W. X. Wang, H. X. Wei, B. S. Zhang, W. S. Zhan, and X. F. Han, “Effect of annealing on the magnetic tunnel junction with Co/Pt perpendicular anisotropy ferromagnetic multilayers,”
J. Appl. Phys. 107, 09C711 (2010)
- Z. C. Wen, Yi. Wang, G. Q. Yu, H. X. Wei, B. S. Zhang, K. Xu, and X. F. Han, “Patterned nanoscale MTJs with different geometrical structures,”
SPIN 1, 109 (2011)
- X. F. Han, Z. C. Wen, Yi. Wang, H. F. Liu, H. X. Wei, and D. P. Liu, “Nanoelliptic Ring-Shaped Magnetic Tunnel Junction and Its Application in MRAM Design With Spin-Polarized Current Switching (Invited paper),”
IEEE Trans. Magn. 47, 2957 (2011)
- Y. Wang, D. Wei, Yi Wang, X. F. Han, and K. Z. Gao, “Micromagnetic Studies of Co/Pt Multilayers with Perpendicular Anisotropy,”
IEEE Trans. Magn. 48, 3438 (2012)
- L. M. Loong, W. S. Legrand, Yi Wang, P. Deorani, and Hyunsoo Yang, “Switching Device and Method of Perpendicular Magnetization by the Field-Like Spin-Orbit Torque,”
US Provisional Application Serial No. 62/179,444 filed on 7 May 2015
- 一种磁性随机存储单元阵列、存储器 (MRAM) 及其读写方法 (Magnetic random access memory cell array, memory and reading/writing method thereof)
专利公开日:2014年2月5日 ,专利号公开号:CN102314927 B (授权)
- 自旋微波振荡器和自旋微波检测器
中国发明专利申请号 200810222965.X (在审查中)