
来源:admin   发布时间:2021-06-22

报告题目:Spin physics in complex oxide heterostructures
报告人:    张金星 教授 北京师范大学物理系
  间:      2018112日(星期五)下午15:00
  点:      物理所D210会议室
The exotic properties in strongly correlated electronic materials such as high-TC superconductivity in cuprates, colossal magnetoresistance in manganites, magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroics are intimately related to the coexistence and competition of nearly degenerate states — charge, lattice, orbital, and spin. This provides a strong motivation to explore materials or structures in which the spin degree of freedom can be manipulated using new strategies, e.g. an electrical knob, apart from traditional magnetic field. In this talk, after a short introduction of my oxide group in Beijing Normal University, I shall share some of our recent insights about spin physics in complex oxide thin films and heterostructures, covering 3d, 4d and 5d transition metal perovskite oxides. Majorly using scanning probe techniques (where local magnetism can be characterized with a spatial resolution), I would like to introduce how to design emerging correlated behaviors using epitaxial growth with an atomic precision and then control magnetism under external stimuli, which may provide a wide platform for potential next-generation spintronic devices.
张金星,2004年获得辽宁大学学士学位,2006年获得北京理工大学硕士学位,2009年获得香港理工大学应用物理博士学位。2010年至2012年于加州大学伯克利分校物理系开展博士后研究,2012年3月至今于北京师范大学物理系担任教授。研究方向包括复杂氧化物薄膜及异质结的外延生长、畴壁与相界的构筑、以及关联体系尤其纳米尺度下新奇特性的探测与调控,探索其在信息技术、能源转化、传感驱动等方面的应用。近年来,以通讯作者在Nature Nanotech., Nature Commun., Adv. Fun. Mater., Phys. Rev. Lett.等期刊发表论文多篇,并以主要作者在 Science, Nature Mater., Nature Nanotech., PRL, PNAS等高质量期刊发表文章。已发表论文40余篇,引用2500余次,H因子21,在国际会议上做邀请报告10余次。2013年获基金委优秀青年基金。2016年作为首席科学家获得科技部首批重点研发计划项目(青年专项)。目前还作为特邀评审专家评阅美国能源部资助项目。
联系人:孙阳 研究员 (电话:82648080)